I agree with "I AM XJW".
It was the blood issue that started me thinking. My daughter was born nearly 3 years ago with a heart/lung defect caused by chromosome deficiency. Since that point our lives have been intertwined with hospital visits/tests/ and preparation for open heart surgery, so the blood issue came up.
The Society, back in 1950, stated that "abstaining from blood" means just that - no blood, at all.
But then in 1980, if your conscience allowed, you could have bone marrow transplant (even though red blood cells would be part of that transplant as they are in the marrow??). That is contradicting their statement back in the 1950's.
They also then stated that you could have immuno globulin (which had previously been banned back in the 1920's).
Haemophiliacs could now receive transfusions.
They have been changing their minds about this issue all the way along the line. What is banned one week, could be perfectly acceptable the next. But PEOPLE WILL HAVE DIED because of following their rules, when if a particular crisis had happened a few months/weeks later, they could have survived because the prescribed treatment would then be deemed "ok".
When my daughter finally underwent open heart surgery, we respectfully requested that the surgeon not use blood, but if it gets to a point where he has to use blood, to go ahead, he would have no problems/resistance from us.
Anyway, under UK law, a hospital can make a child a ward of court if they feel that the child's life is under threat, and can give the child a transfusion anyway. (The parent's working relationship with the medical team is then shot to pieces)
I then started asking myself "What if that was me, and I needed a blood transfusion. What would I do??" I had to admit to myself that although a blood transfusion wouldn't be desirable because of the risks that blood carries, if there was no other alternative and my life was in the balance, I would accept it. AND I WOULD NOT FEEL GULITY FOR DOING SO.
I could not then go out in the ministry and make a stand on the blood issue, or explain to people why JW don't accept them, because I believe that what the society teach is from their own heads, and nothing to do with God.
If that was the case, what about the other teachings?? After doing research and reading posts on this board, it became evident that the Society is not trustworthy, they change their minds as they please, and do not admit to making mistakes.
I could not live that way any longer, and I could not allow my daughter to be brought up in that kind of environment.
THEREFORE I QUIT!! and I am enjoying my life - I am planning Christmas already and it is only June!!
Enlighted UK
Enjoy your life, it is the only one you'll have